Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pointsettia Plants are a Christmas Tradition

Many people give pointsettias for gift during the Christmas season. While picking out your pointsettia here are a few things to look for.

•Choose plants with dark green, healthy looking leaves and bright (un-faded) bracts.
•The little yellow flower (cyathia) in the middle of a bract should be tight and show a little color.
•And most important, if the outside temperature is below 40 degrees, the plant should be wrapped or sleeved.

Poinsettias thrive on indirect, natural daylight, at least six hours a day. Protect plants from cold drafts or excessive heat. Keep moderately moist, but never allow to sit in water.

Many people believe pointsettias are poisonous, they are not. Many tests have been run on the plant and prove the old wives tale false.

Enjoy your pointsettia and have a Merry Christmas.

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